
The ‘Obama NOT for Pres.’ Organization


Theory #1: He is a Marxist

The way to back this up: Obama said “well we need to spread the wealth around.”


Theory #2: He is a Muslim

Way to back is: When a child he attended a Muslim school and his father was Muslim.


Theory #3: He is a terrorist: He is a friend of Bill Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist also he attended a party with a Muslim that wrote a nice quote about a terrorist who kill many.

Now looking at Obama do you think he is for the president of the USA? I don’t think so. Also I am going to make more information about him on my website




New Org. thing!! I’m afraid this will be the usa in 4 months…….



  1. anonymous said,

    ha ha you are really crazy kid. First of all what he meant when he said he was gonna spread the wealth around is he wants to give to the poor. Is giving to the poor wrong? No. Second you go to school right? And who makes you go to school? Your parents do. Barack obama had no choice of what school to go to. His father made him go there. And just because his father is something doesn’t mean he is the same thing. Are you not different from your parents? He was only a child he didn’t know any better. Third obama has denounced his relationship with Bill ayers. He is not currently friends with him and for you to call a candidate running to be the president of the united states a terrorist is just WRONG.

  2. wl589 said,

    Yes is a terroist oximoron! you in this same post you said yourself that you you are like your parents so i stand correct

  3. wl589 said,

    Also what oh so all those dictators are right ?nope they are wrong and if you tax the rich you loose money off your paycheck causing less cash which means your even poorer

  4. erni5 said,

    ANONYMOUS…….YOUR NOT THINKNG CLEARLY first off all Obama the muslim wants to give money to the poor (nothing wrong with that)But some people are low lifer scum who dont care about jobs and taking away money from rich people and giving it to the people who dont give a care about jobs is just stupid…..OH AND WHO THE CRUD ASKS A PERSON IF THEY GO TO SCHOOL?!!!!!!!COME ON NO WL589 IS A 37 YEAR OLD WHO OWNS HIS OWN BUISNESS……………………Sincerely,

  5. erni5 said,

    Wl589 does go to school genius

  6. wl589 said,

    This is really old

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