
February 22, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)



My name is Erni5!

I am joining Wl589!

More Obama News Coming Up!

My goals:

#1:Edit Wl589’s posts (make them make sense) (no offence)

#2:Fix bad comments.

#3:Post more stuff about Obama.

#4:Make the site better. (fix any bugs if there is any)

And much more!


For stuff about me click on the page labeled “Erni5”

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America we need to make…..

February 19, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

Hey America! We need to afford to be foreclosed! We wont have to put gas in our car or even pay our morgage! Obama gracious God uhhh uhhh uhhhhh, that was from an obama maniac. Google boys, I heard it on hannity! GO CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Fray baby!

February 9, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

 This another of one of my fav bands the fray. They just released  new album and its great. Ps you might have to turn up the volume to hear good.

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