Any ideas?

January 31, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

I have come to a confession….. A website with  random crap can only go so far, if there are any ideas what you want me to do or make. Just email me at Please do send me something, or all this website is really ganna be is a rs help and crap.

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January 25, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

If you belived me last time think again,I am not done lol if you did heh.

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Shut down

January 24, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

 i have decided to shut down my website for every body hates me, but i am allowing some things to stay because i fell like it

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January 24, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

i am banning erni5 from  saying  1234567890-=qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;’zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:”ZXCVBNM<>? and anything that i missed i have put my heart and soul in this thought i have done this erni5 you are done

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Club Gitmo

January 23, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

go obama! no heck no never! obama has released the terrorist to be free an kill and  have a chance! you know what obama they should be killed if they have brutally murded anyone they should die ok obama has also destroyed bushes work on saving lies obama i would be fearing God,for He is not happy PS  (i have made no threat to obama in that last thing i said i was saying God may punish him ) SAVE THE THE UN BORN  please we need to stop obama in his  tracks and save the unborn  wl out

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obama the president…….

January 20, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

obama is sadly the new president now but i can handle i it i do not want him to get hurt i want him to look like an idiot and be proven wrong  obama shouldnt die he should live and look like an idiot saying he will make america better when he really is making it worse that is what you should want, dont be an assaisin be a impeacher! =) ps if the secrect service see this please notice the i do not want him hurt ok

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Yes they are wrong

January 4, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

Yes you are right your 2 little nice professors are both wrong it is like saying well, my theology teacher is right. yes but what about all the other ones. Also i was wrong on 4,000 years my bad i will correct my self 6,000 years my bad and also jackey where is the proof of those items that they come from 24 thous. years yep

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my bads

January 2, 2009 at 9:50 (Uncategorized)

ok i am responding to mr. random man i am not letting his post go forth for there is  cursing and slander to what i believe i hope you will see this mr. for you otherwise willnot have a happy ending so hear me now my friend i hope you do for this is an answer here it is: the reason i have many grammar/spelling is because i do not check i simply don’t care it is a computernot a resume ok my friend many people dont cap there is for it is very time consuming ok me friend and also god can do anything he wants he can take mud and make humans he can do thing in 7 days my friendalso no god did the crystals and blowing up , my friend  i know all scientist are smart it doesnt happen like that you know even the many great scientist believed that there was a god behind the beginningalso the grand canyon did not take millions of years to form it simply was either shaped that way or god smashed some item into it  or split it apart and the last thing is this the earth is young the youngest planet probily for its is only 4,000 years  my friend intelligence design is real not millions of years oh yea i almost forgot man what i mean by “hitler would not be there without his help “is that hitler got most of his ideas from darwin for darwin belived that the black race was not human for they were not white and they arent humans so lets just go and enslave them yea they arent humans kill em and that goes along with retarded the mental the ill old and more

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